Home ยป Meet the Black Entrepreneur Who Has Generated $10M For Coaches, Course Creators & Business Owners

Meet the Black Entrepreneur Who Has Generated $10M For Coaches, Course Creators & Business Owners

by Ava Robinson

Tony Smith (@TunedinTony) founded Bizlaunch.io, a creative marketing firm for online business coaches and entrepreneurs. Through sales funnels, He made $10 million for trainers, course developers, and company owners in 2023.

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Tony is changing digital entrepreneurship by changing how business coaches sell online products. Tony, the #1 sales funnel builder on Clickfunnels and Go High-Level, is the place for entrepreneurs looking to boost their digital goods, webinars, and courses.

Tony leads the way in internet entrepreneurship by mentoring customers’ huge success. He creates unique sales funnels that boost enterprises’ earnings.

His top customers, like David Shands of the Social Proof Podcast, William Rivera of Ecom Degree University, David Omari of YT Academy, and others, have had a major influence on the black community via podcasts and Earn Your Leisure events like Invest Fest.

Tony’s story is extraordinary, demonstrating entrepreneurial endurance, tenacity, and reinvention. He faced unexpected hurdles when his e-commerce business failed. Although his e-commerce firm had reached $942,000 in sales, the hard reality of running a business with hefty expenditures shut him down.

Tony switched from e-commerce to digital coaching despite this setback. He takes his customers to yearly and monthly 7-figure earnings like Carter Cofield, who made $1 million in 30 days after undertaking an online challenge in his sales funnel.

His aim goes beyond money. His ultimate goal is to encourage Black businesses. Tony’s effect spans commerce to empower and promote equity by removing economic barriers and helping businesses of minorities succeed online.

Are you a company owner, coach, or course creator? Tony wants you to join his quest. He wants to assist five more individuals this month.

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