Home » Black Woman Entrepreneur, Owner of 50 Airbnb Properties, Launches Florida Affordable Housing Construction Firm

Black Woman Entrepreneur, Owner of 50 Airbnb Properties, Launches Florida Affordable Housing Construction Firm

by Ava Robinson

Let me introduce you to Janay White, a successful businesswoman, and Airbnb host who happens to be African American and based in Jacksonville, Florida. She aims to provide low-cost homes to first-time buyers and single mothers, helping revitalize economically depressed areas, and she owns J. White Construction Inc. This Black woman-owned construction company was just certified as a vendor with the state of Florida.

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Janay, at just 36 years old, has accomplished a great deal. She’s the head of eight profitable companies, plus she started a charity, bought eight rental houses (three of which she constructed herself), and owns a bunch of land. She also owns a hair salon and has an excellent fleet of eight cars available for hire, which she reserves only for single moms.
The events in Janay’s life are quite remarkable. She went from being destitute and living paycheck to paycheck to being the CEO of eight profitable firms in the six and seven figures via pure willpower and perseverance. She inspires others since she is committed to helping them achieve financial independence and leave a legacy of riches.

Her trip certainly wasn’t a picnic. For ten years, she worked as a social worker and fraud investigator for the Florida Department of Children and Families (2010-2020) and as a Revenue Auditor in UPS’s accounting and finance division (2011-2020), allowing her to hone the valuable skills of perseverance and dedication. These events stoked her determination to help others and be a beacon of hope for people struggling financially.

The influence of Janay cannot be denied. There is no shortage of testimonials attesting to her positive impact on the lives of people she has helped and empowered.

She is the owner and president of J White Credit University, which teaches individuals how to use credit to their advantage and build a life of freedom and legacy riches. Seminars, mentoring programs, and one-on-one meetings are other means by which this is accomplished.

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