Home » Amazon unveils AWS Build to help startups leverage cloud tech for product launches

Amazon unveils AWS Build to help startups leverage cloud tech for product launches

by Alex Turner

Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of Amazon.com, launched AWS Build, a global initiative to help aspiring entrepreneurs build, refine, and launch their innovative apps in the cloud.

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Over the next ten weeks, up to 500 startup founders worldwide will receive business and technical guidance to launch their Minimum Viable Products on AWS’s tech stack.

How does AWS Build benefit startups?

The program helps startups understand and integrate advanced cloud technologies like analytics, serverless computing, AI, and machine learning into their apps.

AWS says the program’s multifaceted approach will help founders make strategic decisions about product development, monetization, beta customer recruitment and use, and other product launch topics.
AWS Build’s online curriculum will include weekly technical office hours with AWS solutions architecture experts, business-led ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions with venture investors and industry leaders, and peer-to-peer networking events.

The English-language program runs from October 9 to December 15.

Startups must present a functional prototype and a technical leader to maximize AWS Build benefits.

Selected founders will receive up to $2,000 in AWS credits to develop cloud-based products and services.

Startups worldwide can apply, and those who applied to AWS accelerator programs but were in early development will receive automatic invitations to AWS Build.

The AWS Build community, a global virtual network of peers and technical experts, will invite founders after the program.

How to apply for AWS Build?

All applicants must join AWS Activate, AWS’s startup hub, to access self-service business and technical content covering many purposeful themes, from fundraising and legal guidance to technical documentation on solution architecture and hot topics, such as generative AI.

In addition, applicants may be eligible to apply for other credit packages up to $100,000 as they continue their cloud journey and benefit from partner offerings through AWS Activate.

Program applications start today, and the submission window will remain open until September 22, 2023.

Interested startups can enroll in the AWS Build initiative here.

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