Home » Black Woman Entrepreneur Launches Organic Tea Products Inspired By Her Great-Grandmother

Black Woman Entrepreneur Launches Organic Tea Products Inspired By Her Great-Grandmother

by Ava Robinson

Michelle Watson is the brains behind the organic tea brand IngenuiTea, which she founded and runs as CEO. She knew there was an emergency when her phone wouldn’t stop ringing. However, all that buzzing you heard was the sound of approval. This veteran is still serving, yet he took a chance and opened a company in these unstable economic times. In what way? On the first day her website was up, she almost immediately sold out of her first stock.

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Michelle is a result of her international upbringing. Grenada, then a British colony, is where her great-grandmother Anna was reared. While living in England, Anna fell in love with English tea. Her love of fine tea and spices was passed on to her offspring and their offspring after them.
Michelle, a Native American, inherited her great-grandmother’s affinity for tea and has taken her interest in the camellia sinensis plant with her on her travels worldwide.

She enjoys her time in the military, but she always knew she would run a company where she could spread her passion for organic tea.

So, in January, we released IngenuiTea, and it was an instant hit. Warm Spiced Pear, jubilant Champagne and Berries Cheer, and exotic Riviera Mimosa are just a few of this brand’s delightful and comforting tastes.

Michelle’s goal is to aid her clients in their pursuit of a happier, better life by providing them with access to high-quality, organic tea at a reasonable price.

Without the crippling levels of sugar and caffeine found in soda and energy drinks, IngenuiTea’s organic teas deliver concentration and a natural energy boost.

Michelle has pledged to donate 10% of IngenuiTea Gourmet Tea & Spice Company’s revenues to groups led by women of color in the agricultural and food security sectors.

“Tea is the essence of existence,” she opines. Tea is the healthiest beverage you can drink, second only to water.

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