Home » Black-Owned Agency In Houston, Texas Writes Over 16,000 Affordable Health Insurance Policies in One Year.

Black-Owned Agency In Houston, Texas Writes Over 16,000 Affordable Health Insurance Policies in One Year.

by Alex Turner

The Real Insurance Lady, a health insurance firm owned by a Black family and headquartered in Houston, Texas, is celebrating the fact that it has written more Obamacare policies than any other insurance company in the entire country. Shaughnna Blackmon is the company’s founder and chief executive officer. Shaughnna has been a licensed agency for the past eight years, and she has recruited the members of her immediate family who are closest to her to assist her in building what is now an enterprise worth several million dollars. Together, they travel nationwide in search of uninsured families to assist.
There are around 30 million people in the United States of America who do not have health insurance and run the danger of experiencing a severe financial setback if they become ill or injured. Because the team at The Real Insurance Lady is aware of this, substantial action has been taken. Their innovative approach to running a business is predicated on providing medical treatment to patients in their homes.

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The company maintains many automobiles and recreational vehicles (RVs) that are staffed with employees who go from large cities to smaller areas to meet customers where they are. They assist individuals in submitting their applications for health insurance by going door-to-door in residential neighborhoods, meeting people in front of grocery stores and gas stations, and attending community events.
Less than fifteen minutes is all it takes for their health insurance agents to assist individuals, couples, and families in obtaining coverage for medical, dental, and vision expenses. Because of the Affordable Care Act, a remarkable 95% of their applicants can now qualify for a health insurance plan with a monthly premium of zero dollars. The Real Insurance Lady employees make a determined effort to close the gaps in the nation’s healthcare system. They do this by expanding access to and awareness of health insurance plans offered by the marketplace in underserved communities with low incomes.

Shaughnna observes: “With each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to our goal of making healthcare accessible to absolutely everyone.” People are enjoying longer, healthier lives as a direct result of our work.

Currently, her business offers health insurance policies to customers in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and North Carolina. She will launch new operations shortly in Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio, and Maryland.

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