Home » Rotterdam’s umob raises €6M to combat traffic congestion and emissions.

Rotterdam’s umob raises €6M to combat traffic congestion and emissions.

by Alex Turner

Umob, a mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) platform headquartered in Rotterdam, said on Thursday that it had received €6 million from several investors. The Dutch business claims it will put the money to work, furthering its goal of making alternate forms of transportation popular and available to a larger audience while extending its global reach.

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“We are investing in connecting all mobility providers to our platform, many of which operate internationally,” says Raymon Pouwels, co-founder of Umob. As a result, our platform is ready to provide our service on a global scale, and we are accessible to travelers. We want to expand the platform to five other nations in the next five years, starting with Belgium in 2019.”

The news comes after a €2 million fundraising campaign in 2022 for the platform’s debut.

What you should know about umob

Raymon Pouwels and Bibi Jorissen founded the MaaS platform Umob, which unites all mobility providers through thorough integrations into a single app and prioritizes the passenger. Umob introduced its app in August 2023, unifying all Dutch travel alternatives on one platform.

With complete integration, customers can book, plan, and pay for their travels all inside the same app, eliminating the need to utilize several provider-specific applications.

The platform offers a simple substitute for owning a car to reduce traffic, congestion, pollution, and the number of parked automobiles. The MaaS app has incorporated all shared transportation in addition to taxis and public transportation.

According to Raymon Pouwels, co-founder of Umob, “There must always be a vehicle at your disposal within a three-minute walk to make shared mobility a good alternative to private transportation, which is a frequent source of pollution, the cause of increasing traffic jams, and more and more full parking lots. A transportation provider cannot do this independently due to legislative considerations. With all providers in one app, you always have a transit alternative within walking distance, which is where a MaaS app shines.

Umob seeks to support communities implementing shared mobility while offering a complete and accessible mobility platform.

By working together, the Dutch firm hopes to enhance the popularity of shared mobility. This will involve locating the best mobility hub sites, mediating provider relationships, and exchanging data.

“Offering a large and diverse range of services is only one aspect important to the success of shared transport,” explains Bibi Jorissen, co-founder of Umob. Parking places, hotspots, and annoyances are practical components that are at least as significant. Thanks to the anonymized data and knowledge we get from all carriers and travel movements, we are an important stakeholder in towns, providers, and businesses. We must work together to make sure we are properly defining future transportation.

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