Home » Meet the Black Woman Whose AI No-Code Tools are Helping Black and Brown Entrepreneurs

Meet the Black Woman Whose AI No-Code Tools are Helping Black and Brown Entrepreneurs

by Alex Turner

TKC Incorporated’s creator and CEO, Angela Heath, joyfully announces the release of AI Biz Generators and SmartBots. These cutting-edge, user-friendly artificial intelligence tools are designed to empower solopreneurs and microbusiness owners to take advantage of the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) to gain data-driven insights for strategic planning, optimize operations, and unlock rapid growth.

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They are combined with business training. Angela cleverly used no-code AI platforms to create TKC Incorporated’s ground-breaking solutions without technical training. Even for those without computer experience or understanding, these advances give Black and Brown small business owners simple-to-use business help.

Angela admits, “It saddened me to witness people of little means struggling with the complexities of launching their ventures. I counseled several aspiring entrepreneurs. Many people struggled to understand basic business concepts for months due to the overwhelming situation. Tragically, a large number gave up on their business ambitions.

A startling 96% of Black-owned businesses are sole proprietorships or non-employer firms. This contrasts sharply with the 80% observed in the small business ecosystem. “The AI Biz Generators prove we can tap into AI’s disruptive potential. Heath emphasizes that the advantages enjoyed by more established businesses are replicated for solopreneurs through these tools, Heath emphasizes. These advantages include efficiency, automation, and cost savings.

By entering a few keywords, AI Biz Generators work as user-friendly templates that lead users through crucial business operations like strategy formulation, market research, and brand extension. Specialty, customized bots give organizations a specific way to improve their lead generation, customer service, and training initiatives.

Angela’s mission is to democratize access to AI to break down the obstacles that have historically kept varied business owners on the outside of technological advancement. She was steadfast in her quest to create user-friendly and non-intimidating tools because she understood the anxiety many people felt.

According to this statement, future businesses will be based on automation and artificial intelligence. I aim to give every Black and Brown entrepreneur the resources they need to get started and succeed. I keep saying, ” Either incorporate AI into your company today or prepare to shut down tomorrow,” says Heath.


TKC Incorporated, a College Park, Maryland-based speaking and training organization that targets the changing nature of work and entrepreneurship, was established by Angela Heath. TKC Incorporated is dedicated to ensuring that AI technologies are available, easy to use, and affordable. The company is firmly devoted to leveling the playing field for single knowledge-preneurs.

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