Home » Ampacimon bags €10M to accelerate grid-enhancing technology

Ampacimon bags €10M to accelerate grid-enhancing technology

by Alex Turner

Belgium-based Ampacimon announced a €10M Series C round of fundraising for grid monitoring solutions to optimize Transmission and distribution assets. Junction Growth Investors joined the round, joining Korys, Noshaq, Creos, and Gesval.

Bags Ampacimon Info | Silicon Canals €10M to accelerate grid-enhancing technologies CEO Frédéric Vassort eagerly declares, “The proceeds from this funding round will accelerate Ampacimon’s expansion. The energy revolution presents massive obstacles, and grid operators require creative solutions. We lead the North American AAR and DLR to assist clients in overcoming the ‘renewables connection queue.’ Former FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee will join Ampacimon’s Board as an independent board to bolster its US presence.

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Ampacimon: Improves grids

Ampacimon, founded in 2010, provides custom measuring systems and sophisticated analytics to Transmission and Distribution utilities to improve grid performance.

The company’s technology helps grid operators optimize asset utilization, maintenance, and investments.

The company’s Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Partial Discharge Monitoring, and Fault Detection technologies boost power transmission capacity by 30% for electrical grids. They improve operational dependability by detecting, diagnosing, and addressing possible faults early.

The Belgian company’s solution reduces congestion expenses (€5M yearly in Germany) and the renewables “connection queue” (1500 GW of renewable projects waiting to be connected due to grid capacity issues in Europe and the US).

Data-driven solutions help grid operators expedite renewables integration and energy transformation.

Ampacimon serves industry giants, including RTE, PPL, Tepco, EdP, Hydro-Québec, Red Eléctrica, and SVK. Junction Growth Investors is a €125M energy transition investment fund.

The fund’s long-term investment horizon and concentration on carbon emission mitigation make it SFDR Art 9. It invests growth equity in non-listed European scale-ups and SMEs to scale.

Junction expansion Investors managing director Jan Mermans comments, “We are delighted to join Ampacimon’s shareholders and Board of Directors to support its international growth. Current transmission & distribution clients’ excellent comments pleased us. Our goal is to use decades of operational knowledge in energy tech, grid management, and market regulation to benefit Ampacimon and its clients.

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