Home » UK’s CMR Surgical bag €154.7M for future growth as flagship Versius surgical robot exceeds 15,000 surgeries.

UK’s CMR Surgical bag €154.7M for future growth as flagship Versius surgical robot exceeds 15,000 surgeries.

by Alex Turner

Cambridge-based surgical equipment startup CMR Surgical raised €154.7 million in new investment. The funding round included Ally Bridge Group, Cambridge Innovation Capital, Escala Capital, LGT, Lightrock, RPMI Railpen, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Tencent, and Watrium.
The company said the Versius Surgical Robotic System has performed over 15,000 procedures worldwide. The surgeries include difficult hernia repairs, colectomies, hysterectomies, sacrocolpopexies, and lobectomies.

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The Versius limited-access surgical system is tiny and adaptable. When it reached €938.6 million in 2019, CMR became a unicorn.

Versius has performed many procedures in hospitals worldwide. Royal Papworth Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, and Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH are examples.

CMR Surgical plans to use the new cash for product innovation and technology. The corporation wants to sell Versius in new places.

Positive Health Institutions Response

Versus using health institutions and CMR surgical officials like the MAS system.
“Versius fits our needs as a world-leading thoracic surgery department. Adam Peryt, consultant thoracic surgeon at Royal Papworth Hospital, says they have helped patients benefit from robotic-assisted surgery. They look forward to developing their robotics program with CMR and other centers worldwide as Versius is adopted.

CMR Surgical CEO Supratim Bose says, “I am incredibly proud of our teams and what CMR stands for as we pass this latest milestone and work towards our vision of making minimal access surgery available to everyone.”

“MAS has huge benefits for patients, and I am excited to see Versius being adopted around the world and the positive impact it is having on hospitals, surgeons, and patients,” says Bose.

About CMR
Cambridge-based CMR Surgical (CMR) is changing surgery with its next-generation surgical robot, Versius.

Since 2014, CMR has worked with surgeons, surgical teams, and hospitals to make MAS inexpensive and accessible. Versius is popular in the UK, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

CMR wants to change surgical robots with Versius’ evidence-based technologies and data.
CMR, a Paralympics GB Official Medical Device Partner, revolutionizes surgical robots. The company supports paralympians with medical accuracy and control. This agreement supports CMR’s goal of making MAS inexpensive and accessible to everybody.

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