Home » A16z backs SaaS startup Nx in €15M round to simplify software development.

A16z backs SaaS startup Nx in €15M round to simplify software development.

by Alex Turner

Nx, a firm that makes it easier to build software by using a single code repository, recently revealed that it has raised $16 million (about €15 million) in a Series A round of investment.

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Nx Cloud, a completely managed platform intended to replace tools like Jenkins, will receive further financing due to the investment round, which Nexus Venture and a16z jointly led.

The news comes ten months after Nexus Venture Partners and Andreessen Horowitz raised $8.6 million in a seed fundraising round.

The business is investing to grow its SaaS income and enterprise clientele. With a significant cash runway over two years, Nx is aggressively hiring to satisfy the rising service demand.

The epidemic forced firms to realize the drawbacks of compartmentalized development and the advantages of adopting evergreen “monorepos,” according to co-founder Jeff Cross, who spoke to TechCrunch.

“Many businesses are claiming to address every part of the developer experience, which presents decision-makers with excessive options. Our strategy is more prescriptive and laser-focused, he continues.

Nx: Making software development simpler
Victor Savkin and Jeff Cross, both former employees of Google, established Nx in 2016 to make it easier to save libraries and apps in a source repository.

Cross tells Techcrunch that “we created the open source build system, Nx.” “The JavaScript environment is where we spend most of our time, but Nx is language-neutral and can construct anything. To enhance support for particular languages or frameworks, developers can create private or open-source plugins similar to the top-notch plugins maintained by the Nx core team.

The Nx Cloud, the company’s main product offering, helps product development teams deliver features more quickly by combining different parts of their products into a single repository.

Nx Cloud uses smart build techniques to improve performance, including creating only what is required, caching outputs, and efficiently allocating work.

The company’s business clientele has already doubled, and its SaaS income has increased by a factor of five.

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